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Our Services

WordPress Development

WordPress is a free, open-source content management system. It was launched back in 2003 and has since grown to become the most popular website development framework in the world. At its core, WordPress is the simplest, most recognized way for website development. Due to the flexibility and user-friendliness of using WordPress, web design agency GIANTHOUSE offers WordPress website development service in accordance to the needs of our clients. WordPress itself is a content management system that possesses several benefits such as an open-source development framework, extensive choices on themes and plugins, easy to manage and great optimization for search engines to help our clients build websites that are designed to delight and intrigue customers. We understand that your website is more than just a domain, it instead represents your digital brand on the Internet. More often than not, the website is your business’ first impression to a potential customer. That is why GIANTHOUSE is your digital partner to build, scale, and maintain your unique website. We provide end-to-end WordPress solutions, from website design and development, to hosting and maintenance, digital strategies and more. Our team aims to devise the WordPress website development solution that fits your business needs the most.

Popularity of WordPress Sites

WordPress is widely considered as the world’s most popular and the most adopted content management system for building websites. According to WordCamp, there are currently over 75 million websites in the globe that use WordPress. It means that more than 25% of all websites served on the Internet are powered by WordPress, mainly because of its usability and versatility. Far outgrowing its strictly blog-focused past, WordPress hosts some of the most prominent and visually-stunning websites for different purposes such as business pages, blogs and eCommerce platforms. There are plentiful use cases of WordPress websites, for example, TechCrunch and Playstation’s websites adopt WordPress. WordPress offers a low-barrier entry into the digital world, with a user-friendly platform providing tons of useful additional tools, and involves smaller upfront development cost. Don’t have to worry about various challenges that a company would encounter in an online environment like handling massive traffic, updating with latest features etc. WordPress has a comprehensive solution for all those challenges. This elevates it to a “crowd favorite” status. No matter your business format, GIANTHOUSE’s WordPress developers deliver sites that are 100% customizable. We always targeted to bring results to your company and make sure that your online presence is enhanced with WordPress.

Fast to Develop

Not often can one describe a single solution for developing websites as both powerful and easy to use. However, both of those descriptions apply to WordPress. With a well organized menu of features and simple mouse-click selections, WordPress made web design and development simpler and easily achievable. It shortens the normal duration of website development, revolutionized how people built websites and empowered millions to develop web pages. The best part about WordPress is that it’s easy for users to manage and flexible enough to build different types of websites. In this competitive digital world, we realise it is essential to set up the web store as fast as possible in order to compete in the market. GIANTHOUSE is a Hong Kong based website production house that adopts the latest technologies to provide customized web solutions which both you and your potential customers will appreciate. WordPress encompasses a wide ecosystem of themes and plug-ins all in one go. Unlike other development frameworks, WordPress lowers the dependency on programming, which makes website development faster, easier and most importantly cost-effective, thus reducing development costs and deployment time. For this reason we choose WordPress that caters your need to shorten the time required for developing your brand’s website.

Content Management System

Building a website is not an one-off assignment. Instead the contents of the website need to be updated frequently. All you need is to keep your website updated and market responsive, so as to stay at the top in this competitive digital world. This is why we utilize WordPress for content management, in light of the acknowledged SEO advantages it offers are foremost in order to build a great website and be successful. Owing to multiple features and functionalities, the efforts on maintaining a WordPress full-fledged eCommerce website is streamlined. WordPress is ever-evolving, thus providing us with the best resources that will help you to manage your WordPress website effectively. To run a WordPress powered website all you need is a good domain name and a reliable web hosting, in which GIANTHOUSE’s experts are here for you. Our web developers are highly experienced in WordPress development, not only able to build excellent websites, but also will be with you every step of the way even after the project’s completion. We will convert your idea into a customized WordPress website that is easy to manage. Updating the contents of the website will be made simple, plug and play workflows that keep your content fresh and clients will return repeatedly.

WooCommerce for Online Business

The amazing feature of WordPress is its versatility. A wide range of WordPress themes and plug-ins are available for developing additional functionalities and transforming the website that fits your need to run an online business. Shopping carts, payment gateways, delivery options, web traffic analytic tools and all functions that are necessary for running eCommerce platforms are not missing out from the community of WordPress tools. With the massive ecosystem of WordPress with its wide range of themes and plug-ins, our team of web developers can create customized websites for your brand. WooCommerce is the world’s most reliable and equipped WordPress eCommerce framework, with over 30+ million users. It makes no odds you’re launching a web page, or taking brick-and-mortar retail online, using WooCommerce for a hub that powerfully blends content and commerce. Upgrade store functionality with hundreds of extensions from the WooCommerce marketplace to better maintain your WordPress site to market standards. Moreover, our team will employ WordPress built-in tools and popular integrations to help you efficiently manage the operations of your online business. All of GIANTHOUSE’s projects are built with scalability in mind, and we work closely with you for delivery continuing results, building additional functions and lifting up the conversion rates by implementing the best technical practices.

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